Feel free to download the entire book here. If you are not a student of mine, I only ask that you let me know that you are using it. Let me know at this e-mail address ojforsberg@knox.edu
. If you are a student of mine, please review the printing options below.
V Učebnice
The following contains each chapter of the book Linear Models and Rurità Kràlovstvì. You can download each chapter separately below, or download the entire textbook on this page. The current edition of the book is 0.704442η, finished in December 2024. Note that this is a large rewriting of the book, so there is a lot of whitespace in the book. Use this space to take notes.
- To download the chapter, click on the
If you use this book as a reference, please reference and cite it properly. For the citation, see the note at the bottom.
Instead of downloading things by chapter, you can get them all at once:
As usual, you should right-click on the link and select “Save link as…” in the pop-up window, if such exists on your computer. Save the file to your course folder.
![Printing Options [print options]](_images/icon-printer.svg)
Printing Options
For those in the class, please download the textbook and use it frequently. I also recommend printing off a copy of it. Studies are showing that physical books help learning much more than do electronic books. If you think about how much textbooks cost in relation to tuition, getting this printed off is a small price to pay for such an increase in efficiency.
Knox College students are close to the neighborhood UPS Store (309-344-4877) on the corner of Seminary and Main Street. The cost to have them print the book in black and white is about $50 (10¢ per page). In color, the price is about $250 (50¢ per page).
In addition to the UPS Store, Galesburg has a branch of Allegra Marketing (309-343-1418) on the corner of Henderson and Grove. I have not checked the prices for printing here. I expect them to be about the same as for the UPS Store.
Also note that Knox College will allow you to print the book using your printing account. Depending on the printer, the book will cost about $30 in black and white (6¢ per page) and $150 in color (30¢ per page). However, you will forego supporting a neighborhood business. Thriving neighborhood businesses help keep Galesburg thriving.
Mention of product does not constitute endorsement.
![Reference Styles [print options]](_images/icon-reference.svg)
Reference Styles
BibTeX entry for this book with my usual citekey:
@unpublished{forsberg-2024, title = "Linear Models and Rurità Kràlovstvì: Using the Kingdom for Greater Insight", author = "Ole J. Forsberg", year = 2024, edition = "v0.704442η(α)", howpublished = "\url{https://rur.kvasaheim.com/book/boken.pdf}", note = "Accessed: March 25, 2025", }
![the errata [The Errata]](_images/icon-errata.svg)
Unfortunately, the vast majority of textbooks have errors in them. The following is a list of the known errors in this edition. This is called an “errata list.” Hopefully, it remains empty. Should there be errors, they will be included in the θ version of the book in Summer 2025.
Page(s) | Severity | Error/Comment |
559 | ★☆☆☆☆ | The second case of the proof should be listed as π < 0.500 since the first case dealt with π > 0.500. It is currently listed as π > 0.500. |
541 | ★☆☆☆☆ | S.16 should have Xbar + Ybar, not minus, because the two random variables are being added. |